2015 UCORE Assessment Summary of Student Achievement Available

With the new general education curriculum in place for freshmen entering in 2012, UCORE produced its first assessment summary report, the 2015 UCORE Assessment Summary of Student Achievement (PDF), to provide an initial view of student achievement on key learning goals. This report summarizes results of UCORE-related student learning assessment on the seven WSU Learning Goals for WSU faculty, leadership, and other stakeholders, using data collected through 2015. 

It serves multiple purposes, including:

  • Summative: Providing a dashboard overview of student achievement. Where data were available, most learning goals showed initial positive results.
  • Formative: Providing recommendations for improving assessment and leveraging additional sources of data.

In Spring 2016, UCORE appointed a subcommittee to assist in prioritizing planning, data collection and analysis for its assessment of student learning on WSU’s Seven Learning Goals of the Baccalaureate. This committee inventoried available assessment data collected for UCORE (through 2015) and developed initial findings and recommendations for improvements to assessment. Other assessment of student learning on these goals, such as assessment by degree programs or majors, is beyond the scope of the 2015 summary report.

For more information about UCORE Assessment, see Current Assessment Activities and Evidence of Student Learning. For more summaries of student achievement, see UCORE Assessment Summaries.