The 2023 Biennial Summary of Student Achievement of UCORE Learning Outcomes (PDF) is now available to WSU faculty, leadership, and other stakeholders. This report summarizes the results of UCORE assessment on the learning outcomes of the UCORE general education program (and the associated WSU Undergraduate Learning Goals), using data collected in AY 2021-22 and AY 2022-23. As […]
As reported in the 2023 National Survey of Student Engagement Summary of Key Evidence for UCORE (PDF), results from the 2023 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) indicate that most WSU seniors (93%) have considerable confidence in their ability to complete tasks requiring critical thinking and analysis of arguments and information. In addition to Critical and Creative Thinking, results from the […]
As reported in the AY 2022-23 [CAPS] Assessment Summary of Key Evidence for UCORE (PDF), assessment results indicated that 83% of students met or exceeded expectations at the graduating undergraduate level on the designator learning outcome associated with Information Literacy. Additionally, 84% of students met or exceeded expectations for Integrative Learning. In courses where instructors […]
As reported in the Spring 2023 [BSCI]/[PSCI] Pilot Assessment Summary of Key Evidence for UCORE (PDF), pilot assessment results indicated that that 74% of students met or exceeded expectations on the designator learning outcomes associated with Scientific Literacy. Additionally, 67% of students met or exceeded expectations for Quantitative Reasoning, 66% for Critical Thinking, 75% for […]
As reported in the 2021 National Survey of Student Engagement Summary of Key Evidence for UCORE (PDF), results from the 2021 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) indicate that most WSU seniors (87%) have considerable confidence in their ability to complete tasks requiring clear writing. In addition to Written Communication, results from the 2021 NSSE also provide indirect evidence of student […]
The 2021 Biennial UCORE Assessment Summary of Student Achievement (PDF) is now available to WSU faculty, leadership, and other stakeholders. This report summarizes results of UCORE-related student learning assessment on WSU’s Seven Learning Goals of Undergraduate Education, using data collected in AY 2019-20 and AY 2020-21.
As part of AY 2020-21 [CAPS] Assessment Reporting for UCORE, instructors were asked if they planned to make any changes in future semesters based on assessments from the current semester. Overall, 51% of instructors indicated that they planned to make a change to their course based on assessment.
As reported in the AY 2020-21 [CAPS] Course Assessment Reporting Summary of Key Evidence for UCORE, assessment results indicated that 82% of students met or exceeded expectations at the graduating undergraduate level for Information Literacy. Additionally, 83% of students met or exceeded expectations for Integrative Learning. In courses where faculty members found enough elements to evaluate student learning on additional learning goals, instructors indicated that 82% of the students met or exceeded expectations for Scientific Literacy, and 81% for Quantitative Reasoning.
The 2019 Biennial UCORE Assessment Summary of Student Achievement (PDF) is now available to WSU faculty, leadership, and other stakeholders. This report is intended to summarize results of UCORE-related student learning assessment on WSU’s Seven Learning Goals of Undergraduate Education, using data collected in AY 2017-18 and AY 2018-19.
As reported in the 2019 National Survey of Student Engagement Summary of Key Evidence for UCORE (PDF), results from the 2019 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) indicate that nearly all WSU seniors responding to NSSE have considerable confidence in their ability to complete tasks requiring critical thinking (94%) and creative thinking (93%). In addition to Critical and […]