As reported in the Fall 2023 [ROOT] Pilot Assessment Summary of Key Evidence for UCORE (PDF), pilot assessment results indicated that that, on average, 63% of students met or exceeded expectations on the [ROOT] designator learning outcome performance criteria associated with Information Literacy. Additionally, on average, 70% of students met or exceeded expectations on the […]
The 2021 Biennial UCORE Assessment Summary of Student Achievement (PDF) is now available to WSU faculty, leadership, and other stakeholders. This report summarizes results of UCORE-related student learning assessment on WSU’s Seven Learning Goals of Undergraduate Education, using data collected in AY 2019-20 and AY 2020-21.
As reported in the AY 2020-21 [ROOT] Final Papers Assessment Summary of Key Evidence for UCORE (PDF), assessment results indicated that, on average, 78% of first-year students met or exceeded expectations at the first-year undergraduate level at the end of their UCORE first-year experience [ROOT] course on rubric outcomes related to Information Literacy. Additionally, 88% […]
As reported in the AY 2019-20 [ROOT] Diversity & Inequality Papers Assessment Summary of Key Evidence for UCORE (PDF), assessment results indicated that, on average, 75% of first-year students met or exceeded expectations at the first-year undergraduate level at the end of their UCORE first-year experience [ROOT] course on rubric outcomes related to Diversity. Additionally, […]
The 2019 Biennial UCORE Assessment Summary of Student Achievement (PDF) is now available to WSU faculty, leadership, and other stakeholders. This report is intended to summarize results of UCORE-related student learning assessment on WSU’s Seven Learning Goals of Undergraduate Education, using data collected in AY 2017-18 and AY 2018-19.
As reported in the AY 2018-19 [ROOT] Final Papers Assessment Summary of Key Evidence for UCORE (PDF), assessment results indicated that, on average, 67% of first-year students met or exceeded expectations at the first-year undergraduate level at the end of their UCORE first-year experience [ROOT] course on rubric outcomes related to Information Literacy. Additionally, on […]
As reported in the AY 2017-18 [ROOT] Diversity & Inequality Papers Assessment Summary of Key Evidence for UCORE (PDF), assessment results indicated that, on average, 70% of first-year students met or exceeded expectations at the first-year undergraduate level at the end of their UCORE first-year experience [ROOT] course on rubric outcomes related to Diversity. Additionally, […]
Participation in assessment offers ways for faculty to think about student learning in the curriculum and about how to support it most effectively in their own classes. For example, rubric use and participation in norming sessions can deepen a common understanding of program goals among faculty, and, over time, can help focus instruction and improve […]
As reported in the AY 2016-17 [ROOT] Final Papers Assessment Summary of Key Evidence for UCORE (PDF), assessment results indicated that, on average, 98% of first-year students partially met, met or exceeded expectations at the first-year undergraduate level at the end of their UCORE first-year experience [ROOT] course on rubric outcomes related to Critical & Creative […]
Information Literacy, one of WSU’s Undergraduate Learning Goals, refers to effectively identifying, locating, evaluating, using responsibly and sharing information for the problem at hand. The nearly thirty WSU research/public services librarians, across all campuses (including fully online WSU Global), provide library instruction to faculty, students, and staff. Subject specialist librarians and departmental liaisons offer information […]