Using Assessment to Inform Decision-making in AY 2019-20 UCORE Capstone [CAPS] Courses

As part of AY 2019-20 [CAPS] Assessment Reporting for UCORE, instructors were asked if they planned to make any changes in future semesters based on assessments from the current semester. Overall, 58% of instructors indicated that they planned to make a change to their course based on assessment.

Most commonly the changes were to assignments or instructional approach. Below are some examples:

Use of Assessment to Make Changes: AY 2019-20 UCORE [CAPS] Report Summary Results

TypeQuotations - Selected Sample
  • "I will tweak the Simulation project to increase communication between, rather than just within, groups"
  • "I expect to revise the balance between individual assignments and group assignments"
  • "An oral presentation for this course could enhance students performance"
  • "A final reflection on their perception changes, as it relates to the diversity element"
Teaching or instruction
  • "I am planning to make some adjustments to how I engage the class in case discussions"
  • "Invite guess speakers to give the students a new perspectives"
  • "I will prepare for possibility to do more online (or at least hybrid) classes"
Course content
  • "More focus on data analytics"
  • "Incorporating new modules on 'how to ask for help' (as it would apply in the workplace)"
Course resources
  • "I am always sharpening my syllabi"
  • "A better reading to use as the focal text"
Other change
  • "I am streamlining my grading"
  • "Several things to promote social belonging among students"
No planned changes / Unsure
  • "No changes are planned for the course"
  • "I have not made a decision yet on this"

Note: For the spring 2020 semester, WSU made the emergency move to distance learning beginning March 23 as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. Nearly 90% of spring 2020 CAPS instructors indicated that they made substantial changes to course assignments, learning activities, instruction, and/or grading in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and shift to distance learning.

Assessment results inform continual reflection and discussion of teaching and learning; they contribute to decision making to ensure effective teaching and learning. Decisions can include choosing to make changes, continue current effective practices, or build on strengths.

For additional information about how student learning evidence contributes to decision making intended to support student learning and quality educational programs, including general education, see Use of Student Learning Evidence. See Key Assessments for additional information about UCORE Capstone [CAPS] Course Assessment.