Assessing a UCORE Course

Below are additional details on how UCORE courses are assessed:

  • Faculty assessment of courses: individual instructors are responsible for regularly assessing student learning in their UCORE-designated courses and using assessment results to guide course refinements. The UCORE Committee may periodically request assessment results to help gauge student progress at WSU or achievement of the WSU Learning Goals.
    • CAPS courses: instructors of CAPS courses are subject to additional assessment requirements. For example, instructors must design a key assignment for assessment and write a short report each semester providing information about student preparedness for capstone level work and achievement of WSU learning goals. See the UCORE handbook and the CAPs assessment webpage if you are teaching a CAPS course.
  • UCORE assessment website: detailed information about UCORE assessment is disseminated through the UCORE assessment website.
  • Uses of Assessment: the UCORE Assessment website provides examples of how assessment is used to inform decisions about and make improvements to teaching and support of student learning.