[COMM] Courses

[COMM] courses help to develop and express ideas beyond the medium of writing. Defined as public speaking; musical expression; interpersonal, intercultural, or visual communication; multi-media authoring; or conversational foreign language, practice with non-written communication helps students develop skills in adapting content and conventions to appropriate contexts, audiences, and purposes, and in the skillful use of credible, relevant sources to communicate ideas appropriate to the medium. Development of communication abilities may involve working with technologies, including interplay between texts, data, and images. It also may involve oral presentations and discourse, such as public speaking, small-group interaction, one-on-one conversation, and active listening.

Communication represents one of three UCORE foundational competencies [QUAN, WRTG, COMM – 9 total credits] intended for completion in a student’s first year of study. Students may complete one [WRTG] course and one [COMM] course, or may choose to complete two [WRTG] courses to fulfill their foundational competency in communication (total 6 credits).

Student Learning Outcomes

Students, regardless of major, who successfully complete a [COMM] course should be able to:

  • Communicate effectively as appropriate to the mode of non-written communication (e.g., public speaking; musical expression; interpersonal, intercultural, or visual communication; multi-media authoring; conversational foreign language). (WSU Learning Goal: Non-written Communication)
  • Recognize how the intended audience for a message shapes choices about style, tone, media, and delivery, as well as how those choices in turn shape audience reception. (WSU Learning Goal: Critical Thinking)
  • Recognize how the organization of a message impacts both its effectiveness and potential responses. (WSU Learning Goal: Critical Thinking)
  • Reflect on and apply feedback to increase the effectiveness of communication. (WSU Learning Goal: Critical Thinking)
  • Identify when and what types of supporting materials are necessary, given the chosen delivery mode. (WSU Learning Goal: Information Literacy)
  • Communicate information in appropriate written forms to support effective non-written communication. (WSU Learning Goal: Written Communication)

Revised outcomes approved Spring 2022.

Available [COMM] Courses

View [COMM] courses in the WSU catalog.

Course PrefixCourse NumberCourse TitleCreditsCollege
COM102Public Speaking in the Digital Age3Communication
COM210Multimedia Content Creation3Communication
COM400Communicating Science and Technology3Communication
DTC202Internet Revolutions3CAS
DTC / DA209Visualizing Data3CAS
ENGLISH106Communicating in Academic Contexts3CAS
FRENCH361Advanced French for the Professions3CAS
GERMAN307Intermediate Speaking and Listening3CAS
GERMAN361German for the Professions3CAS
H_D205Developing Effective Communication and Life Skills4CAHNRS
H_D305Developing Effective Communication and Life Skills3CAHNRS
MKTG279Professional Persuasive Communications3Business
NEUROSCI / MBIOS201Introduction to Communication in the Molecular Life Sciences3VetMed
PHARMEDS315Biomedical Literature: Communicating Science3Pharmacy
SOC103Social Psychology of Communication3CAS