UCORE committee approves revised student learning outcomes

The UCORE Committee is pleased to announce the completion of a two-year long course designator student learning outcomes revision project. Begun in Spring 2020, revisions represent a needed review and refresh, after 10 years, of UCORE’s learning outcomes across nearly all course designators.

These revised student learning outcomes at the UCORE level will continue to advance WSU’s Seven Learning Goals of the Baccalaureate, which all other undergraduate programs also support.

For more context and for access to the revised outcomes, click here.

All relevant areas of the UCORE website, including downloadable learning outcomes grids, will be updated in May 2022 to reflect these revisions.

The UCORE committee asks that faculty begin to integrate revised outcomes into course materials in Fall 2022, with a firm implementation expectation by Spring 2023.

All new course proposals and course renewals submitted beginning Fall 2022 should demonstrate alignment with the relevant revised designator student learning outcomes.

Please address any questions or comments to Clif Stratton, UCORE Director, at ucore@wsu.edu.