Assessment News

2023 Biennial UCORE Assessment Summary of Student Achievement Available

The 2023 Biennial Summary of Student Achievement of UCORE Learning Outcomes (PDF) is now available to WSU faculty, leadership, and other stakeholders. This report summarizes the results of UCORE assessment on the learning outcomes of the UCORE general education program (and the associated WSU Undergraduate Learning Goals), using data collected in AY 2021-22 and AY 2022-23.

UCORE faculty can help promote NSSE

Greetings Colleagues, Every other year, Washington State University participates in the National Survey of Student Engagement. Student responses provide us with valuable feedback on what we’re doing well and where we might improve. The NSSE survey is currently open through May 15, 2023 to all first-year and senior students. Please help promote responses by sharing […]

Using [CAPS] Assessment Summary Results to Inform Decision-making to Support the UCORE General Education Program

Assessment activities and results are intended to inform regular faculty reflection and discussion about effective teaching, learning, and curricula, and ultimately contribute to decision-making to support student learning. In concert with the UCORE Director, faculty on the UCORE Committee and Subcommittee for Assessment annually review results of UCORE’s Capstone [CAPS] Assessment and suggest actions for improved assessment or use to inform […]

Efficient Assessment: Aligning Grading Rubrics with WSU Learning Goals in UCORE [CAPS] Courses

UCORE Capstone [CAPS] courses bring opportunities for integration, application, and closure to the undergraduate experience. In place since 2015, [CAPS] Assessment Reporting for UCORE is intended to gauge student learning achievement on WSU’s Learning Goals of Undergraduate Education in the context of the general education curriculum as students near graduation. This spotlight offers insight into a tested, efficient approach to […]