[DIVR] Courses

Global Cultural Diversity courses introduce students to differences, similarities, and connections among cultures by exploring the multiplicity of individual and group experiences within and across historical periods, societies, and cultures in global comparative context. Courses help students engage and understand social and cultural contexts and interactions across the globe using critical thinking, information literacy, communication, self-awareness, and flexibility in perspective. Using multiple cultural or intellectual perspectives, courses prepare students to address questions about how factors such as history; politics; communication styles; economics; institutions; and/or cultural values, beliefs, and practices influence cultural variation. Courses are intended to help prepare students for lifelong constructive engagement with others in plural societies, promoting the abilities to suspend value judgment in interactions with culturally different others and/or the core beliefs of others; and to negotiate a shared understanding of what produces cultural variation and/or how culture changes across time and/or different geographic and environmental contexts.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students, regardless of major, who successfully complete a [DIVR] course should be able to:

  • Understand fundamental knowledge and concepts related to cultural diversity as appropriate to the discipline. (WSU Learning Goal: Breadth of Learning)
  • Recognize the complexity of elements important to members of a culture in relation to history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices. (WSU Learning Goal: Diversity)
  • Recognize the sources and limits of one’s own perspective and cultural rules and limitations in relation to the perspectives of others. (WSU Learning Goal: Critical Thinking)
  • Identify relevant sources of information that demonstrate ways that history, institutions, and/or ideologies shape cultural variation and/or different experiences. (WSU Learning Goal: Informational Literacy)
  • Evaluate, at an appropriate level, claims or information about cultural diversity based on the sources and the methods used to generate it. (WSU Learning Goal: Information Literacy)
  • Communicate about cultural diversity in written forms appropriate to the discipline. (WSU Learning Goal: Written Communication)

Revised outcomes approved Fall 2022.

Available [DIVR] Courses

View [DIVR] courses in the WSU catalog.

Course PrefixCourse NumberCourse TitleCreditsCollege
AMDT / WGSS222Fat Studies3CAHNRS / CAS
AMDT317Multicultural Perspectives on the Body and Dress3CAHNRS
ANTH101Introduction to Anthropology3CAS
ANTH203Global Cultural Diversity3CAS
ANTH307Contemporary Cultures and Peoples of Africa3CAS
ANTH / WGSS316Gender in Cross Cultural Perspective3CAS
ANTH / AIS 320Native Peoples of North America3CAS
ANTH / AIS327Contemporary Native Peoples of the Americas3CAS
ANTH / FOR LANG350Speech, Thought, and Culture3CAS
BIOLOGY307Biology of Women3CAS
CES207Race/Ethnic Dynamics and the Corporate World3CAS
CES325Traveling Cultures: Tourism in Global Perspective3CAS
CHINESE / HUMANITY / JAPANESE / ASIA322Ecology in East Asian Cultures3CAS
COMSOC321Intercultural Communication3Communication
COUN_PSY457Chicano/a Latino/a Psychology3Education
DTC206Digital Inclusion3CAS
DTC / AMER ST475Digital Diversity3CAS
ECONS428Global Capitalism Today: Perspectives and Issues3CAHNRS
ENGLISH / CES322 / 332Topics in African American Literature3CAS
FOR_LANG110Introduction to Global Film3CAS
FOR_LANG120Introduction to Foreign Cultures3CAS
H_D350Family Diversity3CAHNRS
HISTORY120World History I3CAS
HISTORY130History of Organized Crime in America3CAS
HISTORY / ASIA270India: History and Culture3CAS
HISTORY / ASIA271Southeast Asian History: Vietnam to Indonesia3CAS
HISTORY / ASIA272Introduction to Middle Eastern History3CAS
HISTORY / ASIA273Islam in Global History3CAS
HISTORY / ASIA275Introduction to East Asian Culture3CAS
HISTORY308North American Indian History, Pre-Contact to Present3CAS
HISTORY321US Popular Culture, 1800-19303CAS
HISTORY322US Popular Culture Since 19303CAS
HISTORY / WGSS335Women in Latin American History3CAS
HISTORY361American Roots: Immigration, Migration, and Ethnic Identity3CAS
HISTORY383Drugs in World History3CAS
HISTORY / ASIA377Modern Japanese History3CAS
HISTORY / WGSS398Women, Gender, and the History of the Un-West3CAS
JAPANESE / ASIA / CHINESE / HUMANITY320Issues in East Asian Ethics3CAS
MUS362History of Jazz3CAS
MUS / WGSS363Women in Music3CAS
MUS366LGBTQ+ Perspectives in Music3CAS
SOC / WGSS251Sociology of Sex, Relationships, and Marriage3CAS
SOC / WGSS351The Family3CAS
SOE312Natural Resources, Society, and the Environment3CAS
SPANISH320Peninsular Spanish Culture3CAS
SPANISH321Latin American Cultures3CAS
WGSS220Gender, Culture, and Science3CAS
WGSS / ENGLISH / SOC300 / 310 /300Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality3CAS